TXTLock Documentation
Ah, you would like to find out more about TXTLock!Great choice!
Useful note:
Use 'parameter' for various settings.Note: Press F5 for another useful note or click here for more..
Quick Start
There is no need to memorize all commands available in TXTLock.Just start with these ones:
- 'set password'
- 'set pin'
- 'add txtblock' to add a txtblock.
- 'set txtblock' to set the txtblock active.
- 'add' to add text or text with a date to your textblock.
- 'edit' to edit your text.
- 'show' shows the content of the active txtblock.
- 'read' to read the whole txtblock.
- 'save' to save your data.
- 'quit' to leave the program.
Use 'parameter' to change various settings.
To create a structure with sub directories use:
- 'mkdir' creates a new sub directory.
- 'cd' to change the directory.
- 'home' to go back to '//' (home directory).
- Use the ARROW Keys to enter your PIN when loading a TXTlock datafile (not for 'set PIN').
- To access an existing txtblock or folder simply enter the name (or part of it) at the command prompt and TXTlock will either list all items that contain this text or (if it has only one match) jump straight into it.
#Hashtags in TXTLock:
Add any #Hashtag of your choice (i.e. #linux #security) to your Txtblock using the usual commands:
'add txt', 'add date', 'add now', 'edit txt', 'edit date', etc.
To list these entries containing your #Hashtag, just type your #Hashtag in the command line.
Use '#Hashtag /export' to export the #Hashtag entries list to a text file.
TXTLock Commands
-=- List of Commands -=-Hint: You can also use: 'help [Command]'.
- '#'
Lists all #Hashtags in your current Txtblock or current folder / subfolder.
Enter your #Hashtag to list all text/date entries containing that #Hashtag.
- 'activate'
Activate the Software.
- 'add'
Select: [# Add Txt #] [ Add Now ] [ Add Date ] [ Cancel ]
- 'add bday'
Add a new entry to your birthday list.
- 'add date'
Add selected date to active txtblock.
- 'add description'
Add a description text to active txtblock.
- 'add ftp'
Add new ftp server details.
- 'add now'
Add text with the current date / time to active txtblock.
- 'add passw'
Add password to database passw.
- 'add reminder'
Add reminder to reminder list.
- 'add txt'
Add text to active txtblock.
- 'add txtblock'
Add a new txtblock.
- 'baseinfo'
Lists all txtblocks and the number of text records for each txtblock.
- 'bday'
Show birthdays: Today / This week / Next week.
Also use: 'add bday', 'edit bday', 'rm bday' or 'list bday'
- 'cd'
Change directory.
- 'chksum'
Displays the file chksum.
- 'clean txtblock'
Delete all data in active txtblock - only the empty txtblock remains.
- 'cloud'
Copy TXTLock file into cloud folder to synchronize it with Cloud Services (i.e. Dropbox).
Use 'parameter' to setup the cloud folder.
- 'cls'
Clear screen.
- 'copy txtblock'
Copy active txtblock into another directory.
- 'copy unique'
Copy files from a file list (created with 'find files' and 'unique') to specified folder.
- 'cont'
Continue reading where you left previous txtblocks (by pressing 'Q').
- 'count'
Count text records in active txtblock.
- 'count days [keyword]'
List days / dates in active txtblock.
Note: Add dates by using 'add date' or 'add now' to your txtblock.
- 'count entries'
Shows and counts entries of a specific date.
- 'count todays entries'
Shows and counts todays entries.
- 'date'
Show current date and time.
- 'ddir'
List of all files on harddisk.
Format: 'ddir' or 'ddir [filter]', i.e. 'ddir *.txt'.
- 'dir'
Extended list of all txtblocks in current directory.
Format: 'dir' or 'dir [filter]',i.e. 'dir *.txt'.
- 'dir all'
Extended list of all txtblocks in all directories.
- 'edit'
Edit text section or current date in active txtblock.
Note: You can add a date ('add date' or 'add now') to your textblock.
- 'edit all'
Edit all records in active txtblock.
- 'edit bday'
Edit birthday entry.
- 'edit date'
Edit text with a date ('add date' or 'add now') in active txtblock.
- 'edit first'
Edit first entry with a date.
- 'edit ftp'
Edit ftp server details.
- 'edit last'
Edit last entry with a date.
- 'edit next'
Edit next entry with a date.
- 'edit passw'
Edit password in database passw.
- 'edit prev'
Edit previous entry with a date.
- 'edit reminder'
Edit existing reminder.
- 'edit today'
Edit entry / entries with todays date.
- 'edit txt'
Edit text section in Txtblock.
- 'exit'
End program.
- 'export'
Export txtblock to text file.
- 'export changes'
Create an encrypted file with all txtblocks that were modified from a specific date onwards.
Note: Use 'import changes' to import the file.
- 'export key'
Export key to file 'txtlock_[tbfilename]_key.txt'
Your TXTLock data file is encrypted with: Password + PIN + TXTLock private key.
If you want to use your TXTLock data file on another machine or a different folder then you need to export your TXTLock private key and copy it in the TXTLock folder of the new destination. TXTLock will use this private key file automatically to decrypt your TXTLock data file.
Note: TXTLock creates for every TXTLock data file a different private key!
- 'filemap'
Map of file creation dates.
- 'find ext'
Find all file extensions (i.e. .exe .m3u .mdu .txt) in ext. folder / subfolders.
- 'find files'
Find files in ext. folder / subfolders.
- 'ftp dir'
Shows all files on a ftp server.
- 'ftp upload'
Upload file to an ftp server.
- 'ftp download'
Download file from an ftp server.
- 'ftp ls'
Shows all files on a ftp server.
- 'gen maze'
Generate a new maze.
- 'gen passw'
Generate a password.
- 'help'
List of all Commands.
- 'home'
Back to Root [//].
- 'import'
Import a text file.
The imported Txtfile will be added to the end of the txtblock. Otherwise use 'clean txtblock' first.
- 'import changes'
Import an encrypted file with all txtblocks that were modified from a specific date onwards.
Note: Use 'export changes' to create the file in the first place.
- 'info'
Show txtblock details.
- 'last created'
List of txtblocks. List criteria: Created.
- 'last entry'
Show last record (with format ###
- 'last records'
Show the last records of a txtblock.
- 'last updates'
List of txtblocks. List criteria: Last Update.
- 'list'
List all txtblocks in current folder.
Format: 'list' or 'list [filter]', i.e. 'list *.txt'.
- 'list all'
List all folders and txtblocks.
- 'list all passw'
Extended list of all passwords stored in database passw.
- 'list all reminder'
List of all reminder - loop and manual.
- 'list bday'
List all birthday entries.
- 'list dir'
List all folders and subfolders.
- 'list fkeys'
List F1..F12 keys. Use 'set fkey' to set txtblock or command to Key F1..F12.
- 'list ftp'
List all ftp names.
- 'list passw'
List all passwords stored in database passw.
- 'list reminder'
List reminder for a specific year. [L] in front of a reminder means that this is a 'Loop Reminder'.
- 'list txtblocks'
List all txtblocks.
- 'load'
Load TXTLock file.
- 'lock'
Lock program.
- 'ls'
List all txtblocks in current folder.
Format: 'ls' or 'ls [filter]', i.e. 'ls *.txt'.
- 'mkdir'
Make a new directory.
- 'mvdir'
Move directory (incl. sub directorys) into another directory.
- 'more'
Display file content.
- 'mv txtblock'
Move active txtblock into another directory.
- 'new'
Reset. Start New.
- 'next'
Shows future events - when added with 'add date'. Scanning all Txtblocks.
- 'next reminder'
List all upcoming reminder. [L] in front of a reminder means that this is a 'Loop Reminder'.
- 'parameter'
Parameter (Columns, Rows, Cloud folder path and Editor path).
- 'passw age'
List all passw entries - oldest entry first.
- 'quit'
End program.
- 'read'
Read the entire txtblock.
Set Bookmarks by pressing 'B'. Quit reading with 'Q' or 'ESC'.
Continue reading with 'cont'.
- 'read line'
Read txtblock content starting from a specific line.
Continue reading with 'cont'.
- 'reminder'
Show reminder for today / next days. Default is '3' days. Change days with 'parameter'.
Note: [L] in front of a reminder means that this is a 'Loop Reminder'.
- 'rename bookmarks'
Rename a bookmark.
- 'rename txtblock'
Rename active txtblock.
- 'rendir'
Rename directory.
- 'restore'
Restore your Txtlock data file from a backup file.
- 'rm bookmarks'
Remove bookmarks.
- 'rmdir'
Remove directory.
- 'rm bday'
Remove birthday entry.
- 'rm date'
A txtblock contains a txt section and / or a date section.
'rm date' removes one date from the date section.
- 'rm dates'
A txtblock contains a txt section and / or a date section.
'rm dates' removes all dates from the date section.
- 'rm ftp'
Removes a ftp server from the ftp server list.
- 'rm fkey'
Remove txtblock or command from FKey F1..F12.
- 'rm passw'
Remove password from database passw.
- 'rm reminder'
Remove reminder from reminder list.
- 'rm txt'
A txtblock contains a txt section and / or a date section.
'rm txt' removes the txt section.
- 'rm txtblock'
Remove a txtblock. Txtblock must be empty -> use 'clean txtblock'.
- 'save'
Save txtblock(s).
- 'save as'
Save txtblock(s) under a differrent filename.
- 'search'
Search for a specific text string in txtblock(s).
The result shows the text line (i.e. ' 24:') that you can use with 'read line' to read the text.
- 'search all reminder'
Search reminder list for a specific keyword.
- 'search reminder'
Search reminder list for a specific keyword in a specific year.
- 'search#'
Search for specific #hashtags in your current Txtblock or current folder / subfolder.
- 'set txtblock'
Set txtblock active. You can also enter only the name of the txtblock to set it active.
- 'set fkey'
Set txtblock or command to FKey F1..F12.
- 'set password'
Set a new password.
- 'set pin'
Set a new PIN.
- 'show'
Shows either the text of 'Todays Date' or the complete 'text section' of the txtblock.
- 'show bookmarks'
Show all Bookmarks. You can set a Bookmark by pressing Key 'B' when you use 'read' or 'read line'.
To manage Bookmarks use 'rename bookmarks' or 'rm bookmarks'.
- 'show date'
Shows the txtblock content of a specific date when you use 'add date' or 'add now' to add date and time to your text.
- 'show first'
Shows the first entry in a txtblock with a date.
- 'show last'
Shows the last entry in a txtblock with a date.
- 'show maze'
Show a generated maze.
- 'show next'
Shows the next entry in a txtblock with a date.
- 'show passw'
Show password in database passw.
- 'show prev'
Shows the previous entry in a txtblock with a date.
- 'show today'
Shows entry / entries with todays date.
- 'show txt'
Shows the text of the text section of a txtblock. Ignores the date section.
- 'solve maze'
Show the shortest path from 'S'tart to 'E'xit through the generated maze.
- 'sync'
Syncronise two folders on your harddisk.
- 'time'
Show current date and time.
- 'today'
Shows entry / entries with today's date.
- 'todays reminder'
Shows only today's reminder.
- 'unique'
Removes multiple copies of file name entries - Use it after 'find files'.
- 'version'
Show program version.
- 'walk maze'
Walk through the generated maze. Use the arrow keys to navigate.
- 'xdel'
Delete a single file securely.
- 'xdel filelist'
Delete multiple files securely.